Year 1
A message to everyone in Year 1

Hello there Year 1!
Just a quick note from your teachers at Burnwood to say that we are missing you all and hope you are enjoying spending this time with your families.
Mrs Ellis says, “Stay safe, play nicely with your brothers and sisters and keep washing your hands!”
Mrs Fox says, "Enjoy learning lots of new things with your family.”
Mrs Reynolds says, “I hope you are all well, make sure you keep laughing and smiling as well as having fun. I am missing your little, cheeky faces!!”
Mrs Lowell says, “I hope you are all having fun learning at home with your families. Stay safe and keep smiling.”
Keep checking our class page every week for new activities for you to do at home and make sure you share your work and photos on our school Facebook page so we can see what you have been up to.
See you all soon, the Year 1 Team
Home Learning Week Beginning 13th July
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 6th July
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 29th June
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 22nd June
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 15th June
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 8th June
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 1st June
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 18th May
Phonics Week Beginning 18.05.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 11th May
Mrs Reynolds reading this week's story 'Pirates love Underpants!'

Phonics Week Beginning 11.05.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 4th May
Phonics Week Beginning 04.05.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 27th April
Phonics Week Beginning 27.04.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 20th April
Phonics Week Beginning 20.04.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 13th April
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 6th April
Phonics Week Beginning 06.04.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.
Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 30th March
Phonics Week Beginning 30.03.20
The children are set for phonics, ask your child which teachers classroom they go to for their phonics lesson.