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Burnwood Community School

Working together to achieve our best


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Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Kelly Bowyer.


Burnwood Community School provides a fully inclusive mainstream school environment. We strive to ensure all our pupils achieve their potential academically, personally, socially and emotionally in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical or educational needs.


SEND Provision

At Burnwood Community School, the Special Education Needs and Disability Coordinator, Class Teachers and Teaching and Learning Assistants, work closely together to ensure that the needs of children with a variety of Special Educational Needs are met. We can accommodate the needs of children with Communication and Interaction Difficulties, Cognition and Learning Difficulties, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs and Sensory and Physical Difficulties, where the degree of difficulty makes a mainstream education setting appropriate.


No pupil will be discriminated against on the grounds of their SEN status. We promote equality of opportunity and have taken steps to prevent any form of discrimination to ensure that every pupil receives an education that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and helps them to fulfil their potential.


Identification and Assessment of Pupils with SEN

Senior leaders, Class teachers, Support staff and the SENDCo closely track the progress of all our pupils through assessment and observation, from the Early Years through to the end of Key Stage 2. We regularly assess and review pupils’ progress and development to see if there is need for any extra support, class based intervention or help from external services.


If you feel your child may need extra help, the first person you should discuss this with is the class teacher or Key Worker in the Early Years, who will talk through your child’s progress and discuss how best to support your child, both at home and at school.

You can also contact Miss Bowyer, who is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator, for advice and support.


We meet the needs of all children primarily through Quality First Teaching in the classroom and in the nursery. This will include differentiation of tasks, the awareness of different types of learners needs and the use of a variety of support materials, to ensure that pupils are able to access a broad and balanced curriculum and to make progress.


If a child is identified as needing extra help, the Class Teacher, or Key Worker will talk to you about ways they can help your child in the classroom and will offer suggestions for you to help at home.  If a pupil continues not to make progress, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator will complete standardised assessments, along with the Class Teacher or Key Worker,  to see what kind of additional support may be required, and what additional, targeted help can be given.


In some cases, a pupil may be placed on the Special Educational Needs Register. A passport will then be created in collaboration with the child, the parents and the class teacher, which will be a profile of the child and their needs. The pupil will also have a support plan to monitor short/ medium term targets and to collate all assessments. This will be part of the school’s Assess, Plan, Do, Review process, which we use to ensure a graduated approach to special needs provision.


In a very few cases, where a pupil has a high degree of difficulty,  the School , in consultation with the parents and Educational Psychologist, may take the decision to apply for an Education Health Care Plan. If this is successful, additional funding will then be allocated from the Local Authority to provide extra support for the pupil. Parents will be informed and involved at every stage of this process and wherever possible, the pupil’s views also sought and included in any application or support plan.

What is a special educational need or SEN?

Short video explaining what a special educational need (or SEN) is.

If you have any questions about Special Educational Needs and what we offer, please use the contact details below to contact our SEN Coordinator;


Miss K Bowyer

Telephone; 01782235577



How To Spend Quality Time With Your Child

Spending time with parents helps children develop self-esteem, thus it's important. When their parents spend time with them, they feel valued. Additionally, young children pick up everything they know through imitation, including language, mannerisms, and habits. We need to be there if we want our kids to grow up to be like us-to adopt our values and attitudes.


Awards we have achieved so far.
