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Burnwood Community School

Working together to achieve our best


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Hello Starfish Class, Turtle Class and Seahorse Class,

We hope you are all well and keeping safe.

We have uploaded some more home learning packs. If you complete any of the activities we would love to see them, parents and carers can post them on the school Facebook page.

We just wanted to say we miss you,  please take care and stay safe.

Don't forget to wash your hands!

Miss Zahoor, Miss Wedgwood and Mrs Treasure


Reception home learning - week commencing - 13th July 2020

Reception home learning - week commencing 6th July 2020

Home Learning - week commencing - 22.06.20

Phonics Tasks.

Here are the phonics tasks for the week for each group.

Please ask your child which teacher/class they go to for phonics.

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group

Mrs Treasure's Phonics group - week commencing - 22.06.20

Hello from Mrs Treasure

Still image for this video

How to wash your hands NHS song | NHS

A child friendly song explaining how to wash your hands. For a written version of the full technique, head to The NHS website:

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song

Phase 2 tricky word song

Tricky Words Song Phase 3

Phase 3 tricky word song

Spread the happiness ideas

Incredible Eggs - Ducklings! Over the past 2 weeks we have had some special arrivals in Reception. We have watched them hatch, swim and most importantly we have looked after them.They even went home with Miss Zahoor over the weekend!

Animal Adventures! Our wow trip to Chester Zoo!

Book Trust - Book Start Gifting Session 12.11.19 and 13.11.19

Mr Bowtie Magician - New Topic WOW! 08.11.19

Parent Coffee Afternoon and Learning Journal Viewing -17.10.19

Balance Bike Training - Autumn 2 2019

Homework Packs and Online Resources

Your child will receive a small homework pack on 19.03.2020.

Here are a few websites that we use in school to support teaching.

Literacy and Phonics

Phonics Play

Teach your monster to read

Twinkl - Early Years

BBC Alphablocks

Mr Thorne does phonics-  YouTube Channel - Children are currently working through phase 2 and 3


Top Marks 

Twinkl- Early Years

BBC Numberblocks

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Zahoor, Miss Wedgwood and Mrs Treasure

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Group WB 06.04.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 18.05.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 08.06.20

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Group W/B15.06.20

Home learning - week commencing - 08.06.20

Mrs Treasure's phonics group week commencing 15.06.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 15.06.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics 04.05.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 01.06.20

Mrs Treasure's Phonics group - WC - 18.05.20

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Tasks 11.05.2020

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 11.05.20

Home Learning Pack - week commencing - 27.04.20

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Group- 13.04.2020

Miss Zahoor's Phonics 27.04.2020

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Tasks WB 04.05.2020

Mrs Treasure's Phonics - week commencing 04.05.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 13.4.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 27.4.20

Easter Home Learning Activities

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group - 20.4.20

Mrs Treasure's phonic group - week commencing 27.04.20

Mrs Treasure's Phonics Group - week beginnning 13.04.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group 6.4.20

Mrs Treasure's Phonics Group - Tasks - 6.4.20

Miss Wedgwood's Phonics Group

Mrs Treasure's Phonics group - tasks

Mrs Treasure's phonics group tasks - week beginning 20.04.20

Gallery 2018-19

Miss Zahoor's Phonics Group -WB 20.04.20

Today in big maths we have been learning about weight and measuring. We have used our measuring skills to weigh out the ingredients to bake cookies.

Father's Day Afternoon

Home Learning Pack 20.04.20

Today we invited our parents into class to look through our learning journals. They were amazed at all the super learning we have done over the year. We also made cards for our dads and they enjoyed a cupcake too!  
To mark the end of our 'Spring into Life' topic we visited Wheelock Hall Farm. There we saw lots of farm animals and had a picnic lunch, we even had time to visit all 3 play areas. 

Trip to Wheelock Hall Farm

Bookstart Gift Session (Book Trust)

Mother's Day Celebration 29.03.19

Parents observe phonics in the classroom


Awards we have achieved so far.
