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Burnwood Community School

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Year 5

Incredible Ice-Cream!

To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022, year 5 learnt about the female scientist Nancy Johnson who invented the hand cranked ice cream maker. The children then made their own ice-cream!

Assembly 27th January 2021

A whole school assembly with a special message from Mrs Wickham

A special visitor!

In year 5, we have been reading the book Beowulf by Micheal Murpurgo. We have used the book as a starting point for our writing this half term. We will continue reading about Beowulf's other adventures after half term.



As part of our topic work, year 5 made Saxon coin pouches. The children learnt how to join fabric using various methods, decorate their coin pouch with sequins and also learnt how to sew on a button! 

Screen time tips to support 7-11 yrs (Key stage 2) - Internet Matters

Why not see our top tips to put balance and purpose behind screen time to help children in Key Stage 2 (7-11yrs) benefit from their screen use. Find more at ...


Awards we have achieved so far.
